Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fort Worth Zoo

this past sunday we went to the fort worth zoo. it was very fun. we were lucky in that it looked like it was going to rain and never did. the zoo wasn't crowded at all and all of the animals were out playing. right now landry's favorite story is "monkeys jumping on the bed". every landry pointed her finger at every monkey we saw and we told them "no more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

brad and landry in front of a mandrill. this was a neat looking monkey. the mandrill close up.the cheetahs were so pretty. we told landry they were big cats so all she wanted to do was meow at them.
we all know that the shrimp in flamingos' diets is what gives them their color. this is us in front of the "shrimp-free" flamingos. i like the coral colored ones better.
landry's look telling us she doesn't need our help because she isn't going to fall. she's such a big girl now.

i was able to get some really nice pictures of one of my favorites, the white tiger.

the friendly elephants.

landry was getting a little hungry at this point. can you tell?

this was the coolest part. we bought these "seed sticks" for the bird house. you walked in, held your stick out and the birds came to you. you could get them as close to you as you wanted to.

water break. landry seems to like penguins or was it jameson? i think it was both.
almost first kiss. it's more like an eskimo kiss.
what? i just need some water.

us in front of the crocogator. i can't remember the real name.

The Crocogator.

we had a really fun time. we will definitely be making more trips in the future. maybe next time we can take pops and meme or gran, aunt skip and laylay or poppa and nanna or maybe some friends will come out and we can take them.
you probably noticed that the words weren't lined up exact throughout this post. i tried and tried to make them line up exact...without success. hopefully posts in the future will look better.

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