Friday, May 29, 2009

Permanent Marker Picasso!

I have always thought to myself how nice it is that Landry plays so well by herself. This especially comes in handy in the eveing when I'm cooking supper. Landry stays mainly in the living room because the television is on for her entertainment. This little routine always goes off without a hitch. Sometimes Landry will go in her room to get a toy or book and bring it back in the living room. No big deal, I'm used to her doing this. Last night she, as usual ran in her room, I heard her sorting through something, her toys I thought, and she was right back in the living room. I watched the back of the recliner moving. She stayed on her boohiney, no big deal. She continued to play, I continued to cook. No big deal. I walked in the living room to get her ready for supper...Huge Deal, HUGE!!!
She found a black permanent marker and wrote on everything in the living room! My only thought was "I am so glad you didn't put that in your mouth."
The built in

Landry's chair

My great grandmother's rocker I had recovered.

Our recliner.
If anyone has suggestions on how to remove permanent marker from fabric/upholstery send them my way!


laurawh said...

Oh my gooodness! She is a little artist isn't she! I have no tips! Wish I did!

The Gapens said...

Oh no!!! WOW! I remember my mom telling me that Shane Powers and I colored all over the walls with permanent marker.

She said that it took many coats to cover it up. I'm not sure permanent marker will come off of upholstery. Good luck!