Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Last year around this time our church was hosting Breakfast with Santa. We really wanted to go. I can't remember what happened just that we ended up not making it. This year we were on a mission to make sure we had Breakfast with Santa. It was a lot of fun! Our friends Mrs. Megan and Jameson went with us. The morning started out with all you can eat pancakes and sausage. Eating and playing games took up the waiting time to see Santa. When our number was called we went upstairs and met some of Santa's elves. They helped Landry write her wish list for Santa. When the wish list was finished we were called to see the big man himself. Brad and I were interested to see how Landry would do with sitting on Santa's lap seeing that he has a big beard. Landry does not like facial hair whatsoever. She suprised us when she went right up and promptly took her seat on Santa's lap. It's funny to watch her interacting with him.

Landry and Jameson eating a yummy breakfast.

Waiting to see Santa.

Family picture after seeing Santa.

Santa's elves were very helpful.

We could not leave without coloring.


Kyle L. said...

aww cute by the way what is that that she got from santa

The Gapens said...

The video cracked me up! She looked bored! HA! She is so cute.