Friday, March 18, 2011

Our first Dallas St. Patty's Parade

Some friends of ours invited us to go to the parade. I didn't know if we would make the parade this year or not. To make it we had to leave the house as clost to 8 am as possible. Low and behold, we made it but not without running into some traffic and getting stuck behind a marathon of no telling how many people. Still, we made it!

We saw a great mix of people in the marathon. We even saw chickens, a cow and monkey amongst the walkers.

We finally parked and found where we were supposed to be. The girls: Landry, me, Tamaron and Heather.

The guys: Alpesh, Brad and Kyle.

Can you tell that Landry was ready for the parade to start? She was a trooper the whole day and ended up having alot of fun. She was a bead magnet too.

Kyle and Landry watching the parade get closer and closer.

The bagpipes were neat.

These are probably the most fuel efficient buses ever. If only more than one person could ride at a time.

Groovy. The 2 kids dancing on the hood were pretty funny- no rhythm what-so-ever.

We were all in agreement on how much fun having one of these would be. They're on each other's back wheel.


Unknown said...

love, love, love that parade! it looks like y'all watched right by where my old apartment was (and scott to at a different time.) Miss you guys! Come to Austin some time :-)

The Gapens said...

What a cool experience!