A longing to go to California paired with a good friend asking (since Landry was almost a year old) "When are y'all coming" made this trip happen. Finally! We flew into Oakland and spent the night. The next day we drove the 20 minutes to San Francisco.
Welcome to California! |
The Oakland A's play here. |
Oakland |
San Fran, here we come! |
First we had to go through a mountain, literally. |
Alcatraz. |
Are these not the cutest bellhops you've ever seen? |
Pretend trolley car. |
Once we got our things settled into our room it was time to get out and explore. The weather, oh the weather, it was a dream and perfect for walking.
We stopped to watch sour dough bread being made. Behind Landry is an alligator completely made out of homemade sour dough bread. The air smelled delicious. |
Here's a close up. |
Our hotel was on Fisherman's Wharf. |
In this area there was an old WWII submarine and a vintage arcade. |
Landry, Brad and Alcatraz. |
This is in the vintage arcade. It's a whole carnival that moves when you put in a quarter. |
When I say vintage, I mean really vintage. This little contraption is from the late 1800's. |
Landry especially liked seeing the pixies and fairies in this machine. |
What's an arcade without Wack-a-Mole?! |
Last but not least, a ride on a mechanical horse. |
After Fisherman's Wharf we walked down towards Ghiradelli Square and the Historic Aquatic Park.
Cheese! |
Landry had fun taking off her shoes and dancing around on the soft grass. |
Landry very much wanted to go play in the ocean. Of course we said sure, just put your shoes where they won't get washed away. Well, she didn't hear that last part. At first her shoes were fine, we thought a seagull was going to get them. He didn't. The water did! Landry's shoes were swept away by a wave and THEN almost taken by a seagull. Landry's trying to get her shoes, Brad is telling her get back up here, Reagan is chilling in her stroller on the seawall and I'm knee deep in ocean water going after these crazy shoes that are now drifting in opposite directions. The seagull is dive bombing after the shoes and onlookers are rooting for me to fall down. There are no pictures of this because my camera was in my purse, on my shoulder almost dipping down into the water. I think this fiasco made Brad's trip.
She also enjoyed getting her feet wet. Notice where Landry's shoes and the seagull are. |
Now look where the seagull is. |
The seagull left because he knew Landry's shoes were about to be swept off by the water. |
Where it all took place.
( Notice Landry isn't wearing shoes.) |
We needed chocolate! |
Landry had to have her picture taken with the mermaid fountain.
(Still no shoes. She waited until they were almost dry.) |
The next day we went out for breakfast and more of San Francisco.
Some of S.F. |
After breakfast Reagan was ready for a nap and Brad had some work obligations. They went back to the hotel, Landry and I had some mommy/daughter time. It was quite chilly so we found some hot chocolate. Time for Pier 39!
Landry and some bronze sea lions. |
Landry and real sea lions! |
Awww! |
The other side of the pier. |
At first Landry didn't care about seeing the sea lions. Once we got there she had fun watching them and hearing them bark. There were so many of them! We rode a trolley car back to the hotel. Landry wanted to show Brad and Reagan the sea lions.
Back on the trolley car. |
Daddy and his girls. Reagan loved not being in her car seat. |
Daddy's girl. |
Coit Tower is on the far left (tall and skinny thing). |
Pier 39 was really fun. We walked around and saw the little shops and stores. All of the walking made us hungry. Lunch time!
Landry said Daddy and Mommy should have a picture together. So she took one. |
Since a picture of mom and dad was taken Landry agreed to take a picture with Reagan.
Ahh, sisterly love. |
As we were leaving we saw Jason Alexander. |
When you see a carousel you know you're going to ride it. |
It was a double decker. |
On to the sea lions!
Reagan thought the sea lions were funny. |
We walked and saw all we wanted to see so it was time to check out and get the car. Before leaving S.F. we drove Lombard Street (crookedest street in the world), saw the Painted Ladies and Alamo Square.
The view from the top of Lombard Street. |
We made it to the bottom slowly and safely and a little dizzy. |
These are most of the Painted Ladies. You may recognize them from the intro of Full House among other movies and tv shows. |
One was gone and another was being rebuilt. |
Time to head to Santa Cruz and see Kristi and Maddie!
Again, we went through a mountain. On the other side of the mountain... |
was the ocean! Most of the drive looked like this. |
As we went down we got closer and closer until... |
we could've parked and walked right out onto the beach. |
We made it safe and sound to Kristi's house Friday evening. We relaxed, enjoyed catching up, Landry and Maddie got in the hot tub, ate and went to bed. Saturday we went to a redwood forest.
This is a slice of a redwood forest showing how far they date back. |
The redwoods were almost indescribable so these pictures won't do them justice. We were in awe a few times.
Brad and Reagan. |
Landry, peek a boo! |
We're pretty much standing in the tree trunk. Some of them grow together in clusters. |
Gnome homes. Probably gnomes from the Gnome Mobile. |
Yes, that's one tree Maddie and Landry are posing with. |
Beyond huge. |
She had to climb. |
See, huge! This is one tree, not a cluster. |
Landry convinced Brad to climb with her. |
Reagan enjoyed the forest too. |
We saw dinner as we were leaving. Just kidding! |
Kristi treated us to one of her favorite places, The Crow's nest. The food was divine. Crab cakes, grilled salmon and shrimp, clam chowder and crème brulee. It was lick the dishes good!
Before we left our server brought the girls a treasure chest for Landry, Maddie and Reagan to pick a happy. |
Reagan was content after her dinner. |
A family photo! |
A real beach! (I put Landry's shoes beside me this time.) |
Kristi, me and Reagan. |
Postcard worthy? |
Sunday we went to downtown Santa Cruz.
We had ice cream made from organic, all natural ingredients. Two of the flavors were rose petal and peppercorn something. I had rose petal and it was actually pretty good. |
Yay for ice cream! |
Downtown Santa Cruz: check. On to Monterrey and Carmel!
Us at the beginning of 17 Mile Drive. |
There were various places to stop and take pictures. We decided not to wake Reagan for this photo. |
More deer! |
The Lone Cypress (to the right of Brad). This stop kind of held up the whole drive. It was a beautiful view. Hey, we're all looking in the direction of the camera. Yay us! |
An outtake of us trying to get a good pic. |
Reagan woke up happy! |
A little bit about the Lone Cypress. |
Model baby. |
Behind us is the Pebble Beach golf course and The Lodge. |
Reagan! |
After Pebble Beach we headed right down the road to Carmel.
Yay, another beach! |
Landry had so much fun running around in the sand. |
Can I get in the water, can I, can I?! |
Now she's ready to splash. |
Landry had a dancing good time playing in the waves. |
Not so far from the shore there was a sea otter. |
Kristi and Reag, all smiles. |
A little mommy, daughter relaxation time. |
Sisterly love. |
Our last evening in CA Kristi took us the Santa Cruz's Boardwalk.
It was right on the beach. |
More sea lions! |
Starfish! On all of the posts below the boardwalk were barnacles and starfish. |
Reagan thought the starfish needed her pacifier. |
One last family pic in Cali. |
Reagan was more relaxed about flying than some of the adults on the plane. |
We had a fabulous time on our California vacation!
I must say, if we had made this trip 2 or 3 years ago, I wouldn't have wanted to leave.
Kristi, thank you so much for being the best tour guide and letting us stay with you. You made this a truly relaxing and perfect vacation. Maddie, thank you for letting Landry buddy around with you.
1 comment:
I LOVED this post. I want to go to California so bad and have for a long time! The story about Landry's shoes and the comment about the dear made me laugh out loud!! Love y'all!
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