Friday, April 3, 2009

Quick Update

sorry it has been a while in between postings. we have been sort of busy. i keep meaning to update our blog while landry is sleeping it's just that homework takes more time than i think. landry said eyeball and naa this week. she has learned how to sign giraffe. whenever we go somewhere she walks beside me like a big girl. we went to the park with the ducks tuesday and had a blast. unfortunately there aren't any pictures, i was busy keeping the ducks away. there are these 3, we'll say different looking, ducks that aren't scared to get really close. all of the ducks get pretty close but these hiss, have claws and get too close for comfrot. i kept having to swing the bread at them. we have had a great week. yesterday was the only day we didn't play outside. it was a little cool and even chilly because of the wind blowing 35-50 mph! today is mine and brad's 5 year anniversary. it has flown by! january made 10 years we've been together total. we still have just as much fun now as we did then. hope this finds everyone well. have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Ashley Pollan said...

That cracks me up about the ducks, and reminds me of that big scary goose from the duck walk. Ha!! I hope you and Brad have a great anniversary!! Take care.