Thursday, May 14, 2009


Brad has been out of town this week, boo. Thank goodness he'll be home tomorrow! I titled this post weird because this evening was weird, good but weird. There were a couple of times this week Landry would pull out a big chair when I told her it was time to eat. I explained to her that she gets in her high chair to eat and Mommy and Daddy sit in the big chairs. After giving it some thought we went and bought a booster chair today. I secured (as much as the chair would let me) the booster, warmed supper and put Landry in the booster. We sat there together, both in big girl chairs, eating our spaghetti having somewhat of a conversation. It was just weird.

Where did this little girl come from? Weird.
When did I blink long enough for the baby to disappear? Weird.

Landry has now told me "no" a few times. She says another word most of the time for no (I can't spell what she says). We've known that this was coming. It's like we've been waiting in line to get on the "Two year old" roller coaster and we are now waiting in the gates to take our seats!

The last weird occurrence of the evening was putting Landry down for the night. We were in her room playing with her farm. She took each animal and told me the were ready to go night night and proceeded to put all of them in her crib. She then told me she was ready to go night night. I put her in her crib with all of the small plastic farm animals, turned on her projector, because she wanted to see the monkeys and listened to her tell me "bye bye". No cradling her in my arms. No hugging her right before bed (I got a hug while we were playing). No kissing her on the head and lowering her into her crib. I wasn't sure she was being serious/knew what she was saying at first. It is now 21 minutes later and she is sound asleep. Weird, weird, weird.
I'm thinking we now a have a little girl, the baby is long gone.

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

It is amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it? Reed is Mr. Independent!