Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Heat, Heat go away!

This really scared me...and it's only the beginning.

Landry, get off of your little sister! We're not ready for another baby.

Throwing a fit

She was just playing.

Landry's new thing: making "funny" faces.

P p p please. I'm so innocent.

Artificial rain.

Pick your battles. She has on a top and bottoms and the shoes are in the car.

Summer is coming to an end. It is wishful to hope that the hot weather is coming to an end as well. Landry has kept cool by playing in the water every chance she gets. I look forward to the fun activities we used to do when the weather cooperated and stayed cooler than scorching. I miss being a stay at home mom. The fall semester will be fun. Landry and I have school Monday-Wednesday. Hopefully our days off will be filled with playdates, bike rides and trips to the park.

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

She is so cute and growing up so fast! I love the fit picture and funny faces! Too cute!