Landry plays in the sprinklers quite a bit. She loves running in the water, splashing in the water and trying to drink the water (I will try to get a video). This past sprinkler time she took and newspaper bag and pretended it was a bag for her fish. She picked up the idea from Nemo; closer to the end Nemo is in a bag for the dentist's niece. She filled her bag up with water and then told us her fish's name. I'm thinking we may get a fish sometime in the future...
Landry is always pretty good about stopping for a second so I can take a still picture of her smiling.
The fish needed new water...
and more new water.
As long as it's as hot as it is we will continue to play in the sprinklers (as long as we don't have water restrictions-boo). We haven't watched Finding Nemo in quite a while. When we would watch it we didn't watch it all of the time either. Ahhh, to have the capacity to learn and remember like a child.
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