Wednesday, July 21, 2010

VBS Week

This is the first "real" summer we've had since Landry was born. Real as in I'm not in summer school. It's been so nice to be able to say yes to play dates, go swimming, attend VBS and not have my homework looming over us. The theme for VBS was Galactic Blast (space, planets and everything God created). Landry had alot of fun. She went Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Monday she made a space headband.

I was a volunteer in snacks. Easy job? Well, when you have almost 800 kids you have to get snacks and water to...Tuesday's snack was cupcakes. I've never seen so many cupcakes in one place at one time...almost 800!

Tuesday Landry did handprints, a "stained glass" cross and plate.

Love this picture.

This is what was in front of our house when we woke up Thursday. It was so neat (and kind of loud)!

The sun was in her eyes.

We had a fun week and hope to be able to have another summer like this one!

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