Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy 3rd Birhtday Landry!

The weekend of October 2 we had Landry's 3rd birthday party. It was nice having friends and family at our house to celebrate what have been 3 amazing years. Landry is and continues to be such a blessing in our lives and a true gift from God. Can you believe she's 3 years old now?! Planning for this party started a while back. Landry wanted a Hello Kitty party. I was great with that theme- it's very easy to make Hello Kitty anything...or so I thought. The cake was a little trouble. Everything else was perfect. The party wasn't Hello Kitty overkill, there were pops of H.K. here and there. Landry's birthday party was third times a charm!

The cake at 11:00 the night before. I wanted to cry. Landry's wonderful daddy went to Wal-Mart and bought another box of cake mix. He stayed up and made her cake. Yay Daddy!

I woke up the next morning, made icing and iced the cake. Brad and I make a pretty good team. I can't take credit for the black, yellow and hot pink icing. The nice people at Kroger decorated the cake on the spot that morning.

One of our very crafty friends, Tamaron, made custom white chocolate lollipops just for Landry. Thank you Tamaron.

The sweets table.

Pizza anyone? See the pop of Hello Kitty below the clock? It says "You can never have too many friends".

Strawberry cupcakes with homemade buttercream icing.

A quick family picture before singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl.

Lighting the candle...

Landry listening to about 50 people singing Happy Birthday to her.

Blow the candle out and make a wish!


Aunt Bug and Uncle Duhduh made it to the party. Jack is taking a break from bouncing.

It's safe to say the bounce castle was a hit with the kids.

The girls must have run the boys out.

Landry's school friend Eden and Dustin.

Bouncy, bouncy.

Friends enjoying the beautiful weather.

There are some of the boys! Gavin and Tyler taking turns on the scooter.

Yay Katie!

Megan, Katie and Tyler.

Emmy smiling for the camera.

Caitlin getting ready to leave.

Gavin giving the birthday girl a hug.

Eden thinking about having another cupcake.

Party girl Ellie.

Tyler's turn to give Landry a hug.

There was plenty of food and fun thanks to everyone. Thank you Laure for making the yummy Crunchy Asian salad, Robin for making the cheese dish and Tamaron for making lollipops. We continued eating these the rest of the weekend. Thank you to everyone that ate pizza so that we weren't left with a week's worth of pizza. Thank you to all, whether you were here or not, for making Landry's birthday party such a special occasion!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

We hate we missed the party, but everything looked like it was perfect! We can't wait to see you guys soon!

Happy 3rd Birthday Landry!
We love you,

The Gapens