Monday, July 11, 2011

Independence Day (and some extra videos)

We had a blast this 4th of July! It was hot we managed to stay cool. The food was good and being in New Orleans with family was even better.
Landry was all about looking underwater.

Searching for coins.

---Slip sliding---

Ready to squirt someone...

Uncle Dustin was ready too.

Pops was shooting too...with his camera!

Liz ended up getting squirted with someone's water gun. She was a good sport about it.

Then Brad got in on the action...

and Kyle followed. It's a good thing this camera is waterproof (which is why there are 2 different posts about July 4th).

Brad...about to come off of the board so he doesn't fall down. Uncle Dustin headed to...

jump in the pool! Right behind him...

Landry jumped in.

Stylin' and profilin'.

Cooper hanging out in her pool, staying cool and shaded.

It's not the 4th of July without cooking on the grill. Landry ate all of those beans, all of the corn and all of her chicken.

The food was finger lickin' good!
Happy Independence Day!
Here are some videos (in no order) from our trip:

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