Saturday, November 3, 2012

Landry or Reagan? Reagan or Landry?

Right now Reagan looks alot like Landry when Landry was a baby. Sometimes, Reagan looks exactly like Landry. See if you can tell Landry and Reagan apart!



So, could you tell them apart? It doesn't help that they're dressed in the same clothes, swinging in the same swing or sleeping in the same bassinet.
The answers are in the comment section.


m.e. said...

Second: Reagan
Third: Reagan
Fifth: Reagan
Sixth: Landry
Seventh: Landry
Eighth: Reagan

How many did you get right? :)

The Gapens said...

They definitely look like each other!

I got 7 right!! I missed the sixth one! :)

Love y'all!

Lynn said...

That is incredible ME. Loved all of the pics. Great job on the blog, Love, Uncle Lynn