Sunday, February 10, 2013

In the mean time...

Here's a little bit of what's been going on with us. Enjoy!

Reagan and Ernie have become big buddies. She like styling his hair.

Landry made a tea party and a card for Brad.  

Daddy's girls.

Landry still enjoys being in the  kitchen. She also likes to show Reagan what she's making. It's fun watching them interact.

Landry is making some muffins.

This is her favorite part. Don't worry, raw eggs aren't involved.

Reagan saw Landry put something in her mouth so...she put something in her mouth.

Landry has been practicing her archery.

Reagan loves being close to Landry and Landry loves her little sister.

Working on tummy time and rolling over.

Landry did these problems all by herself! She's going to be more than ready for kindergarten.

Yay for girly girls! Landry picked out Reagan's outfit.

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

I can't believe how much Reagan has grown! SLOW DOWN!! I'm ready to get my hands on her again!

Way to go on the addition, Landry! You are too smart and beautiful too!

Love y'all!