Saturday, August 10, 2013

Reagan is 11 months!

Reagan at 11 months:
goes down for the night around 8
wakes up in the morning around 7
takes 2 naps: morning and afternoon
nurses 4x a day (still!)
gives hugs (love) to her dolls and stuffed animals
expresses emotions with no problem
eats breakfast, lunch and dinner
walks along the furniture
likes playing in water
has 4 teeth on the bottom and 3 coming in on the top
babbles all of the time
prefers not being in her car seat for a long time
is so happy
doesn't like green peas
points to different things
has almost outgrown size 12 month clothes
is growing so fast 
Reag is now noticeably bigger than Rainbow Star

Giving love.

She likes playing in any kind of water.

Reagan was still for a second, just one though.


Reag and Pearl. Pearl is very sweet and patient.

Mommy's helpers.
Happy 4th of July everybody!

I have a sucker, I have a sucker, I have a sucker hey hey hey hey!

Almost one.

Wonder Baby!

The girls with Maddie.

We can't believe Reagan is almost a year old! 

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

She is such a doll! Can't wait for 1st birthday pictures!