Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sesame Street Live: Elmo's Green Thumb

This weekend we saw Sesame Street Live: Elmo's Green Thumb. I must say that we were very curious about how Landry would act. This is the first time she's done anything that required her to be still and quiet for a length of time. She loved the show! She sat still and her eyes were glued to the show the whole time. We had as much fun watching Landry as we did watching the show. She was calling the characters out by name and clapping and dancing. It's yet another sign of how much our little girl is growing up.
Most of the characters in the show.
Intermission came at the perfect time.
Landry wasn't interested in taking a picture. She was watching for Elmo or Big Bird or Abby to come back out.

Landry saying Elllmo. Of course she had to wear her Elmo shirt!

Seriously into the show

Look,look they're alive!

Man, Elmo and his friends are wild. They wore me out!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

How much fun!! Her hair is so beautiful! I'm thrilled you have entered the addicting world blogging! It was great talking to you last night. Love you!