Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Eve and Day

We made it back to Texas Wednesday night. Thank goodness we came back when we did. It started snowing Christmas afternoon. We wrote Santa a letter, left him a snack and went to sleep. It was still snowing. We woke up Christmas morning to a very white Christmas! Landry woke up excited to see what Santa had brought her. We had the majority of Christmas day to ourselves. Landry played with her new toys and watched her new movies while Brad and I relaxed and got ready for all of his family to arrive.

It was snowing hard Christmas Eve.

Landry catching snowflakes on her tongue.

Landry's letter to Santa and the non-traditional snack. We figured he would enjoy a break from the cookies so we left a mini bagel. The reindeer got a snack of fruit loops.

Christmas morning.

Santa knew Landry was into Disney, especially the Disney Princesses. Look, he ate his mini bagel!

Landry and her stocking.

What's in there?

Yay, this is stuff I wanted!

Pops putting Landry's scooter together. Rylan is supervising.
Our house became a speedway.

I love my scooter.

We are all looking in the direction of the camera!
Thank you Pops and Meme, Uncle Duhduh and Aunt Bug, Uncle Blake and Aunt Morgan and Rylan for coming to our house for Christmas! We loved having all of y'all. Come again soon and stay longer.

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

I'm so jealous of all the snow! When we got barely 1/2 inches of snow, Reed said "Where's Santa?"

I wish we could have gotten more! I loved the post, and I am so glad that all of Brad's family was able to spend that time with you guys.

Miss you and love you too!