Monday, January 18, 2010

Play time is fun time!

It has been nice for me not having school. Landry and I have been able to do things we used to do like when I was a stay at home mom. I miss being a stay at home mom. The break from school is exactly what I needed. Now if we could find a dependable, trustworthy, age-appropirate, affordable babysitter Brad and I could have play time. Until then we will continue to have play time as a family.
The most fun Landry will have getting a full body x-ray.

Our little Mozart.

The first day this year we've been able to go to the park.

I don't know why she does this. It's kind of funny.

Landry slides down the big slide by herself now that she's a big girl.

Hey, Tyra, how's this for wind in your hair? (if you watch America's Next Top Model, you get this)

Bread is stuck in her teeth.

Running down the "mountain".

Landry the tree hugger. She knows about being "green".

Daddy's girl.


The Gapens said...

I love the last two pictures, especially the tree picture.

Kyle L. said...