The Tuesday before Thanksgiving we headed out to be with family in New Orleans. We left right before 2 that afternoon and arrived at Granma's right before midnight. We were so glad to have reached our destiniation! It was a wonderful visit filled with family and a lot of food.

Yay! Landry quickly realized there was a big L. See her holding onto it.

Wednesday morning. Landry is telling Pops about the drive in and what has been going on.

Happy Thanksgiving. Landry and Rylan turned Aunt Catherine's pumpkin into a turkey. I couldn't get Landry to get in the picture.

Sweet baby Audrey.

Allison and Audrey.

Friday morning. Yummy donuts. Thanks Aunt Darlene.

Landry really wanted another donut. I'm pretty sure she would've picked pink if it had been a choice.

Landry gets in big trouble if she hits. When she figured out she could hit Uncle Duhduh and
not get in trouble she went to town. Uncle Duhduh was a good sport.

It was quite entertaining.

She moved on to decorating the tree with wuffle balls. Dad and Uncle Duhduh helped. Uncle Duhduh survived Landry's hitting him.

Almost finished.


After all of that work Landry had to take a break.

Saturday morning. Landry found a hidind spot.

She liked climbing in the tree. It was her castle.

Playing with Aunt Gail.

Austin and Aunt Gail pretending to get Landry. She was safe in her castle.
We had fun in New Orleans as we always do!
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