We spent the week before Christmas in Mississippi. We got in Friday evening. Saturday afternoon we went to the King Christmas, Saturday evening we did Christmas with the Johnstons, Sunday we had Christmas with the McMurchys and Monday we had a Christmas breakfast and gift exchange with Poppa and Nanna. Four Christmases and Santa hadn't even made it to our house yet! We thoroughly enjoyed seeing and being around family. Afterall, that's what Christmas is truly all about.

The kids' kids. The King Christmas is the one time a year we see all of my dad's side of the family. The kids change so much every year.

The kids. I love seeing my cousins. In this picture: Tim, Shannon, me, Cathy, Shane, Larry and Wes.

Poppa asking Landry if she's on the nice or naughty list.

Uncle Joe, me, Landry and Aunt Wilma. I haven't seen them since Pawpaw's funeral. It was so nice to see them under happier circumstances. I can remember going to their house when I was Landry's age.

Saturday night: Johnston Christmas. Landry and Rylan digging into their presents.

Landry now has Aladdin, Prince Charming and Rapunzel!

Landry and Audrey, a big princess and a little pricess.

Sunday evening we had Christmas with the McMurchys. Neither Landry nor Reed wanted to let me take their picture. Atleast they're both looking at the camera.

Landry's singing, ear-flapping puppy. It's probably the most low maintenace, low cost dog we'll ever have.

Landry and Reed taking a second to see what was in the paper they tore open.

The 3 amigas.

Monday morning we met Poppa and Nanna at Cracker Barrel for a yummy breakfast. Poppa buttering a biscuit for Landry. After breakfast we gave each other presents.

Aunt Skip met us. Landry would not look at the camera.

As soon as we got to Pops and Meme's Landry wanted to open her presents from Poppa and Nanna. She had opened presents Saturday and Sunday why should Monday be any different? She got the We Did It Dora Doll she wanted...

and Rapunzel baby! Landry has really taken to Rapunzel with Tangled coming out this year. She relates to having such long hair.

Landry also likes to take pictures. I prefer it not to be with my camera so Laylay gave her her own camera.

A very happy little fairy who had a wonderful time seeing all of her family.
1 comment:
Sweet pictures! We were so glad we got to spend some time with you guys. Reed & Landry always amaze me when they are together. Sweet, sweet kiddos!
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